penergetic k
Hans-Ulrich Bigler, Schlosswil/Switzerland
Martin Stucker, Oberthal/Switzerland
With penergetic k, the manure from the loose-box rots fast and produces reusable compost. The smell of the manure heap has been significantly reduced.
In Martin Stucker's “Bio-Knospe” farm, it is important that the farm manure is not only optimally used, but also well prepared for the plants. Martin Stucker says: "I have been using penergetic products in my company for four years now. Four years ago, we switched from tethering to playpens for cattle. We have decided on an animal-friendly multi-room playpen:
We have classified the amount of manure from the playpen as problematic:
Looking for a product that improves these points, we turned to Mr. Bigler in Schlosswil/Switzerland and got a first impression about the effect of penergetic products in his stable.
1x weekly, watering the manure with the watering can