Deer, can be found all over the world at an increasing rate. The rising population growth rate and overabundance of the mammal in some parts of the... more
The species sus scrofa has become a pest in many areas of the world. This is due to the damage they cause to forests and agricultural crops.... more
Soil organisms such as beetles, earthworms, spiders, termites, and terrestrial crustaceans break down plant and animal organic residues and... more
Microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, algae and actinobacteria live in the soil and contribute to the success of agriculture. They do this by... more
There are other sources for the fixation and release of nutrients for plants than mineral fertilizers. Practically all essential elements for... more
Appropriate farming practices can influence the soil-plant symbiosis and the soil ecosystem positively. This, in return, allows farmers to reduce the... more
"The Export Award recognizes successful, internationally active businesses whose expansion strategy, the transparency of their internationalization... more
The bulk of the expense on many farms is for storage and labor associated with pumping and agitating the slurry or liquid manure, as well as equipment... more
With the application of penergetic g, the heavy crust on the lagoon surface of a 300 cow dairy farm in Canada dissolved within eight weeks. Prior to... more
In all treatments with Penergetic and cover crops, the coffee dry grain yield was increased. The yield in bags/ha when using Penergetic (PNG) and... more
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